People are affected by how we plan our lighting. And the choice of products is affected by the type of environment being illuminated. In exposed environments that are damp, corrosive or extremely dusty, it is very important to possess a knowledge of different classifications and designations.


Luminaires that are installed in areas with heightened fire risk where there is a risk of dust collecting on the luminaire casing must be approved for use in such environments. A D-marking means that the luminaire has limitations when it comes to maximum surface temperature (maximum +90°C during normal operation).


A luminaire’s resistance to external mechanical impact is classified using the international IK rating. The rating goes from IK00 to IK10, where IK00 has no particular protection against external impact. A luminaire rated with IK10, on the other hand, can withstand a direct impact of 20 Joules, which corresponds to a sphere weighing about 2 kg being dropped from a height of one metre.
IK IK01  IK02
 IK03  IK04 IK05  IK06 IK07 IK08 IK09  IK10
Joule 0,14 J 0,2 J  0,35 J 0,5 J  0,7 J  1 J  2 J  5 J  10 J  20 J

Which luminaire shall I choose?

Application suggestions

Product selection

Liteline IP65 Liteline IP44 Indline IP23  Highlite IP65
Garage  X    

Laundry room


Outdoor loading dock

 X    X


 X, D-marked      X, D-marked

Storage room


Warehouse aisles

  X X  X

Warehouse loading dock

  X X  X

Riding school*

X, D-marked X X  X, D-marked

Stables/horse boxes

X, D-marked      

Agricultural environments*

X, D-marked      X, D-marked

Corrosive environments**

Not recommended

Not recommended

Not recommended

 Not recommended

*A D-marked luminaire is not required if the environment is not dusty, special study required. For more detailed information, read “the Swedish electrical installations in agricultural and horse operations” (Elinstallationer i lantbruk och hästverksamhet 2019:1 Rev 2022)

** In corrosive environments, both luminaires and fasteners must be able to withstand corrosion. Plastic luminaires must be intended for the environment in question. The plastic may need to withstand detergents and corrosive gases such as ammonia. E.g. cattle stalls, pig stalls, poultry stalls, car washes, lubrication pits, public baths or the like. Here at Hide-a-lite, we would be pleased to help you with your lighting calculations.

Get in touch and we’ll tell you more!